Thursday, November 11, 2010

Georgia is behind us....

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were great days on the water. The temperature was in the high 70’s or low 80’s each day and we were able to wear shorts and tee-shirts….
We encountered fuel related problems each day and we now think we have a fuel pump problem instead of bad fuel. We arrived today in Cumberland Island Georgia which is near Kings Bay Submarine Base. We are anchored with about 40 other cruising boats, this is the most popular anchorage we have visited yet. The last two days we have been covering the winding waterways of Georgia. You can see your stern as you make your turns into the next waterway. Water is very shallow most often and we have marked our charts that in some of these waters we need the tide to be at least ½ rising tide for us to make the return trip. Georgia surely has more range markers than any other state and you had better follow them closely. We have managed to get thru GA without running aground, thank goodness!

Tomorrow, we hope to arrive in Jacksonville, FL at the Beach Cove Marina and visit Nelson’s sister for a couple of days. We will continue our trip South on Monday.

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